<p>Here you can find different articles to know how to match my faux fur pieces to have a chic or casual look.</p>
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Remontons dans les années 80, années où l’accessoire incontournable est le bandeau, sous toutes ses formes. On le retrouve par tous les temps, été comme hiver. De nos jours, cet accessoire revient de plus en plus dans nos dressings pour habiller toutes nos tenues d’hiver. ALINE vous propose un...
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Valentine's Day is just around the corner ... Are you planning to celebrate lovers' day with your loved one on February 14? You will then have to put on the appropriate Valentine's Day outfit. Its mission: to make you beautiful, at ease and to give you confidence. Discover today in this article...
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Essential of the season and ideal to protect yourself from the cold of winter, the faux fur wrap is, nowadays, become a true fashion accessory! But do you really know all the possible versions of slings? Today in our blog we propose you to discover them all!
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In France, it is prohibited to manufacture and sell fur from cats, dogs and endangered species such as seals. However, other animals are not protected by such a law and remain raised only to harvest their fur. It was in this approach that a bill was proposed at the national assembly to “prohibit...
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The snow has finally arrived in Lille! But the arrival of the latter also means the arrival of the cold. It is difficult to combine warmth and elegance in our outfits. Faced with this problem, fake fur will be your ally to fight the cold while maintaining your style. Indeed, contrary to...
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This winter, opt for the sleeveless vest in faux fur. In addition to being fashionable, it will adapt to all your types of outings! Indeed, you can wear it for a meal with friends or for a chill and relaxation look on weekends. Thanks to the different colors and sizes available you can mix the...